Hi to all,

 Thanks for the updates you have been sending me. 

 I know I'm really pressing my luck now, but since Don Kuiken did spend
time and  wrote these out, I'm also passing along guidelines for sending
info on schools and dream education.  Please save these and pass them
around to any dream educators you know:

Also available online at

Graduate Studies in Dreams   GUIDELINES for Submission

a. The name of your university (e.g., University of British Columbia),
centered in bold print at the top of the first page. 

b. The name of your department (e.g., Department of Psychology), also
centered in bold print, just under the name of your university.  If your
Department has a recognized program in dream studies, also indicate the
name of the program (e.g., Dream Studies Program, Department of Psychology). 

c. A brief description of the major characteristics of your department's
opportunities for graduate level dream studies, including educational
goals, orientation toward research or scholarship, practicum experiences,
special opportunities, and so on. Indicate clearly the degrees offered,
i.e., whether yours is a Master's Degree Program, a Ph.D. program, etc.  If
your department has special features (e.g., related programs in clinical or
counselling psychology) or particular research or scholarly emphases, these
features should be spelled out. 

d. A list of all faculty members involved in dream studies, with a
description of the research or scholarly expertise of each person.
Describe each person's area of expertise in a brief paragraph, preferably
providing a few representative publication references.  Information about
each faculty member's educational background (e.g., “Ph.D., University of
British Columbia, 1990") may be useful to prospective students and their
advisors.  If possible, provide a URL for each
person's web site. 

     Note: Defining who is or is not involved in dream studies is not
always easy.  Remember, however, that  prospective students often do not
clearly know what they want to study in graduate school, or even what dream
 studies encompass.  We recommend that you use the broadest possible
definition of dream studies and include descriptions of any faculty whose
areas of expertise might be related.  For example, there might be faculty
members who do not consider themselves involved primarily in dream studies
but who have related interests (e.g., a
     clinical psychologist studying daydreaming).  If these individuals
could contribute to the education of students with interests in dreams,
then we suggest that you include them in your description.

e. A list of faculty members from departments or programs elsewhere in your
university that might be relevant to graduate students who are studying
dreams in your department. 

f. A brief description of courses, degree requirements, and other
characteristics of the curriculum.  It may be helpful to describe informal
features of the graduate experience, such as colloquium series, reading
groups, or research groups in or out of your department. 

g. A note about costs (tuition, at least), and the availability of
financial support. 

h. The name of persons whom interested students could contact for more
information, such as a faculty member, a graduate program coordinator or
secretary, or the chair of the department.  Be sure to include the full
address and, if appropriate, a telephone number, electronic mailing
address, or the URL for a departmental web site. 

i. Please provide these materials in a file (on disc or attached to an
e-mail message) that is formatted in a familiar word processing program
such as Word or WordPerfect. 

  Send to the ASD Web Manager, Richard Wilkerson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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