I think i saw this mentioned once, but i am not so certain, but are there 
any thoughts or possibilities that the DRI project will get those cute (and 
man!, so helpful)  little performance/debug/whatever you want to call them 
boxes on the top left of the screen ?    (we could also use 1bit grafix 
with the words instead of just boxes and a lookup-table: "direct", "indirect" 
etc etc..)

I am not sure how easy or hard it would be to do (although i am guessing 
on the easy side) but as some already know, it would be very helpful with 
developers knowing what's happening in their application/driver, and to 
simple users who get 1 FPS in Q3A because of Indirect Rendering and think 
that linux and their brand new 3D card suck :)

Yes, i know glxinfo and other tools are there to help with those things,

1) external tools always adds complications (do i have it, no, where do 
i get it, how to compile it, what do i look for etc etc). this will be built-

2) you know that certain simple users who just want their game going don't 
wanna be reading even more "super informative screen dumps" (ala kernel 
init stuff :) hey, i love it, but not them)

So what do the DRI folks think about this?  Or is there no time to think 
of this right now?


PS. out of curiosity, if this were to be implemented, at which stage in 
the whole DRI process would it be handled best? 
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