I have occasionally seen replies to CVS commit messages on this list, but
I don't find a place where CVS commit messages are sent.  Is there such a
place?  A few people (me for instance) have pending problems which we know
about (in my case, VIA chipset + AGP gart + Radeon 64 == down in flames)
and watching the commits as they come in would tell me pretty quickly if
anything that was changed which might affect things.  If so, we can grab
the latest changes and test them out.

The volume would almost force it to be a seperate list, and it is possible
to get the same information in a similar format using a tool like cvs2cl,
but for those who can afford the extra influx of email, a list is more
convenient (and lots faster - have any idea how long it takes to run
cvs2cl on a tree the size of DRI's?)

Just a humble request/suggestion from a humble(? me? bwahahaha) GL coder.

Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                Free software developer

The less you know about computers the more you want Microsoft!
        -- Microsoft ad campaign, circa 1996

(Proof that Microsoft's advertising _isn't_ dishonest!)

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