        i just updated my source tree from the dri cvs (trunk) about an hour or so
        ago, and now i am seeing some sort of a wierd problem when running in
        dual head mode. When i start the Xserver with my layout for both heads,
        it seems that the image in my root window gets a greenish tint to it, and
        things like my transparent Eterm's or the login box in gdm get a bluish 
        tinge over the images and in the text entry boxes. Everything else seems
        fine (i.e. the greyish area of the gdm login box is as should be). I'd
        try to take a screen shot of the problem, but when i captured the shot and
        restarted in single-head mode (the problem is not apparent when running
        off of the first head only) the screen shot looks as should be with
        all the right colours etc. My config was working for a few months 
        fine previous to the upgrade. Running at depth 24 FbBpp 32 with
        Pixmap format 32. MGA G400 DH MAX. I've probably screwed something up
        here, any pointers to where would be great... 


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