On Mon, 11 Jun 2001, Karl Lessard wrote:

> Are you using the HALlib? It takes care of a lot of synchronisation 
> issues after the dac initialisation in those 2 files. About the options, 
> I've never seen that in our driver. What it supposed to do?


I'm not using the hallib.  And I apologise - I did eventually find where
the sync polarity for the first head is set (in the vgahw stuff).

My problem turned out to be nothing to do with sync polarity.  I already
said that dot clocks <16MHz lock my box.  It also turns out that the
clocking isn't stable below around 20MHz (18MHz and I get a picture, but
very flickery).

My current workaround is to make my mode 1440x576 - that way I can use a
27MHz dot clock.  Downside is that the pixels are very non-square so most
X output is squashed up due to assumptions that the pixels are square.

Do you know how low a G200 dotclock can go?  I've also got one of those in
another machine and could use it.


> Karl
> Stephen Davies wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Does the mga driver support the -HSync -VSync options?
> >
> >If I compare mga_dac3026.c and mga_dacG.c, I see the former does some
> >stuff to the RAMDAC to set sync polarity, but I don't see any of that in
> >the latter.
> >
> >I'm trying to output PAL-rate interlaced video.  But my TV won't
> >sync.  Don't have a scope, but I'm pretty sure my modeline is right.
> >
> >Incidentally, I notice that attempts to set the dot clock on CRTC1 lower
> >than 16MHz locks my machine.
> >
> >Thanks and regards,
> >Steve
> >(Sorry: not yet subscribed to the list)
> >
> >
> >
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