All -
I am running Linux 2.4.5-ac16 and XFree86 4.1.0 with an ATI Rage Mobility LF
Rev 2 chipset (Renderer string: Mesa DRI Rage 128 20010405 M3 AGP 2x
x86/MMX/SSE) and I am getting the the old familiar "black flicker" problem.
Unfortunately, the old familar Option "UseCCEFor2D" "true" trick does *NOT*
work, and regardless of my settings, I still get the flicker and update
problems in all GL programs.
The really freaking thing is that my friend has an almost identical setup
(except he got his X11 4.1.0 from SuSE, whereas I downloaded the binaries
directly from the XFRee86 folks), and his system works with absolutely no
Has anyone else seen these issues with XFree86 4.1.0? Does anyone know any
DRI differences between the SuSE 7.2 XFree86 build and the one directly from
the horses mouth? And finally, would it be worth my time and effort to
rebuild XFree86 with the latest DRI drivers straight out of CVS?
Thanks for your help!
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