Hello fellow Linux users!

I am a long time linux user (well "long" here is a relative term, I guess,
but I have been using linux since RH 5.2, so I guess that qualifies me as a
non-newbie at least :-), but I only recently got involved in 3d design and
programming (using primarily blender and Gtk+). Before, I used Linux
primarily for sound processing. Anyhow, recently I invested into a laptop
(dell inspiron 8000 1Ghz with Mobility m4), and after successfully
installing Linux and getting X up I got somewhat dissapointed when I found
out that there was no accelerated support for this video card that has been
out for over 1/2 of year (needless to mention that it is probably most
widely used in laptops -- although this might soon change due to debut of
geforce2go cards). I researched a bit around and found out that AcceleratedX
has support for it (costs $129 though, and does not tolerate presence of
Mesa which is required for a lot of devel tools), as well as heard a rumour
of DRI supporting acceleration. After a bit more of research I stumbled
accross a lot of conflicting testimonies regarding DRI support (for instance
on the DRI www site it mentions mobility being supported, but it does not
specify which of the mobility family it supports). So this source of
confusion is the primary reason why I am writing to ya all. I would greatly
appreciate any help I can get in order to find answer(s) to below-included

1) OK, I am still confused. Can someone please tell me is the DRI support
working for the above-mentioned video card or not?

2) If it does, and I do have X running (stable and all that), what do I need
to do to get DRI compiled, since my attempt sometime ago failed miserably
due to some errors I was not able to circumvent (i.e. what Xfree version do
I need, and what other stuff do I need on top of that? btw I am running
RH7.0 with most of the latest updates, including Ximian Gnome 1.4)?

3) How does DRI acceleration compare to AcceleratedX and/or to Windoze
performance (i.e. how would Quake3 perform on the same machine using
Linux/X/DRI and using Windoze)?

Any help would be utmostly appreciated! Sincerely,

Ivica "Ico" Bukvic, composer

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