On Sun, 24 Jun 2001, Dieter Nützel wrote:

> now after that the mesa-3-5-branch is updated with the trunk we "only" need
> Alan's fixes for the 4.1.0 tdfx driver plus the fixing of the remaining tdfx
> (Voodoo5) UT texture bugs (picture is available).

Thought I'd also mention some texture corruption (albeit more minor) with
a Voodoo5 running Quake3 on XF 4.1.0 - the textures on the faces of the
steps in several places are corrupted. In one level, I could see the
(reversed) image of the "Skirmish" button from the stage selection menu.
So, it's not just in the UT engine (although the UT engine seems to make
it far more prominent than other 3D game engines).

Derrik Pates      |   Sysadmin, Douglas School   |    #linuxOS on EFnet
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |     District (dsdk12.net)    |    #linuxOS on OPN

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