Several have suggested that some sort of donation driven effort 
be made with which to sustain DRI development.

Personally, I hope the DRI project continues on to be a 
successful project, and any efforts by anyone to see it does, 
hopefully turn out beneficial.

After reading some people's postings on donating X amount of 
money for feature Y, and the like, I thought about it and come to 
the conclusion that donation driven DRI project even partially is 
quite unrealistic.  I'd like to discuss why I think that is so.

First off, the number of DRI developers, or developers out there 
who could potentially do the work is much lower than one might 
expect IMHO.  I'm not one of them either.  I've been told, and 
understably so, that this requires an in depth knowledge of 
kernel programming, OpenGL internals, DRI internals, XFree86 
internals, and various other things.  The number of people out 
there who could potentially participate is fairly low compared to 
other things such as kernel developement, or other open source 

In order to do this development, it does require both the
hardware needed, and the 3D specifications for that hardware.  
While some vendors are more helpful than others, getting ahold of
chip level 3D specs from anyone - as has been stated many times
before, is not easy.  There are tonnes of people who are anxious
to help, however I doubt any vendor is anxious to toss out
documentation to tonnes of people.  More likely than not, they
would be willing only to give docs to a select few individuals
such as those already part of the DRI team who have direct
experience in this field, and thus have much higher likelyhood of 
completing such work.

I'm only trying here to explain how I think it will be difficult
for example for 50 random good natured open source people to
acquire the info they need to even begin, I'm not of course
trying to defend any vendor for anything.  Just explaining it as 
I see it.

So, docs are going to be hard to come by, and people who could 
turn that info into workable drivers even less.  As I understand 
it, much hardware also requires talking directly to engineers 
from the hardware vendor themself to get things going (ie: 3dfx).

Now onto the topic of donations...  You're going to have both 
people who are willing to work on the project for free, that 
aren't interested in donations, as well as those who are going 
to want to work on it as their "job".  Others will have other 
real life jobs, and work on it in their copious spare time.

IMHO the whole idea of being donation-driven, is for the monetary 
donations to be a motivator.  IMHO, this will not work, and I am 
purely being hypothetical here - because those who 'were' being 
payed full time to work on the project, are now going to be 
looking for other real life full time jobs, and will most likely 
get them quickly, or perhaps start up their own businesses, etc.  
With the levels of expertise in 3D required by anyone on the DRI 
team, it stands to reason that they won't be unemployed for long, 
and most likely wont be needing/wanting donations with which to 
sustain their car payments.  <grin>

So who would the donations be attractive to?  Most likely to 
those who aren't currently involved, and have the largest 
barriers to entry into getting new stuff implemented, possibly 
students, etc.

Considering the price of current hardware, a Radeon VE could be 
purchased for $61 on pricewatch right now, and I'm sure other 
hardware is even cheaper.  I think anyone would be more likely to 
spend that $61 and have a working card, than to say spend $20 
donating into a fund to get SLI mode working on their current 
Voodoo 5 of which likely wont ever happen for various reasons.

Who would gather these donations?  How many people out there are 
using Linux that would be willing to donate to some sort of 
effort like this?  Again, I have no idea, but my mind tells me 
"very few".  I would be surprised if $2000 could be raised in any 
reasonable amount of time and dedicated to one single project 
goal.  $2000 isn't much of a motivator to someone with the skills 
that could pull off implementation of whatever it is they'd be 
working on IMHO.

In reality, I see DRI proceeding only via the efforts of the 
current project team, and occasional new members and open source 
developers such as those exploring the Mach64 right now.  I don't 
think any major strides are going to come from the general public 
of developers due to the specialization of skill, and access to 
what is very much proprietary information that is required with 
which to do the work.

I could be totally wrong however, and I *hope* that I am.  
Perhaps this message will be a big motivator for someone to go
gung ho organizing such a donation oriented project, and prove my 
theory/hypothesis/bs opinion wrong.  ;o)

Only through tight collaboration of DRI members, new developers
interested in joining or working on the code, positive
interaction with vendors, and being *patient* and very 
understanding of vendors positions, will DRI succeed.

Again, this is all in my own personal opinion, not shared by Red 
Hat, anyone else on the list, my Mom, or the Pizza delivery guy.

Gotta go now, pizza is here.


P.S.  My intention of this posting, is to stimulate discussion.  
I'll probably get flamed also, which is ok - it happens.  I'm 
hoping it will generate some good positive discussion on how to 
breathe new life into things.

Mike A. Harris                  Shipping/mailing address:
OS Systems Engineer             190 Pittsburgh Ave., Sault Ste. Marie,
XFree86 maintainer              Ontario, Canada, P6C 5B3
Red Hat Inc.                    Phone: (705)949-2136 

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