        I compiled latest CVS on a stock RH 7.1 box and moved the files over to
the laptop and things work great!  Don't have DRI yet configured, but
hoping things will work well there also.


> Hey guys.  Sorry if this has been addressed...
> Just got a fresh laptop, the newly released HP Omnibook 6100.
> It has an ATI Radeon Mobility M6 and 1400x1050 display.
> 4.1.0 detects the chipset but fails to detect panel size and errors
> out.  Is there a way to manually specify the panel size?
> I have RH 7.1.94 (roswell) beta installed.  It seems to do well
> detecting most all of my hardware.  They seem to have something they've
> labelled installed and it does the same thing.
> I've checkout out the main trunk xc from cvs and did a make World.
> Everything seemed to compile fine and make install seemed to install
> just fine, but I get all kinds of unresolved symbols in ___you name it
> module____.
> I don't know if reporting this will help either the omnibook/radeon
> problem, or the RH beta compiler problem, but I'm also selfishly hoping
> to get my new box up to rl 5! :)  So let me know if there is anything
> else I can report or try, to help out.
>         -Troy.
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