After upgrading my kernel from 2.4.9 to 2.4.10 and recompiling the mach64
drm module, I start X and get an oops.  The X log looks as though all
setup has completed, all the way through the keyboard/mouse setup.  The
box locks up, but I can ssh in and run ksymoops on the syslog.  The
decoded oops is attached.

I get "Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address
5a5a5a5a."  This problem is reproducible every time and the address is
always the same.  I'm not sure if this is a kernel bug related to the VM
changes or a problem with the mach64 drm code (I'm using the latest
changes posted by Manuel -- based on 4.1.0 drm), so I thought I'd post it
here first.  The problem seems to be happening in mach64_vm_shm_close
which comes from the DRM(vm_shm_close) template in drm_vm.h.  Has anyone
had problems with 2.4.10 and drm modules from X4.1.0?

Leif Delgass
ksymoops 2.4.3 on i686 2.4.10.  Options used
     -v /usr/src/linux/vmlinux (specified)
     -k /proc/ksyms (default)
     -l /proc/modules (default)
     -o /lib/modules/2.4.10/ (default)
     -m /usr/src/linux/ (default)

Warning (compare_maps): mismatch on symbol partition_name  , ksyms_base says c01b4630, 
vmlinux says c0151270.  Ignoring ksyms_base entry
Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 5a5a5a5a
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU:    0
EIP:    0010:[<d48e3248>]
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00013206
eax: c43a0740   ebx: 5a5a5a5a   ecx: 00000090   edx: d2de5334
esi: c3c688ac   edi: d48eaec0   ebp: 00000001   esp: cc64fc48
ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Process X (pid: 1757, stackpage=cc64f000)
Stack: c0124bda 00003246 c43a0740 c43a0824 00001000 d24d87f4 40028000 c012328f 
       c43a0824 c43a078c 00000000 cc64fed4 00000000 cc64e000 d12f3a80 cc64fd78 
       00000000 d24d87f4 c013a483 d24d87f4 d12f3a80 cc64fd78 00000000 cc64e000 
Call Trace: [generic_file_read+138/432] [exit_mmap+111/288] [exec_mmap+35/272] 
[flush_old_exec+100/592] [load_elf_binary+1022/2528] 
Call Trace: [<c0124bda>] [<c012328f>] [<c013a483>] [<c013a5d4>] [<c0149e5e>] 
   [<c013c77c>] [<c0149a60>] [<c013abc1>] [<c013ae4c>] [<c013bcce>] [<c0105b30>] 
Code: 8b 03 39 70 40 75 01 45 3b 44 24 20 75 25 85 d2 74 0a 8b 43 

>>EIP; d48e3248 <[mach64]mach64_vm_shm_close+5c/150>   <=====
Trace; c0124bda <generic_file_read+8a/1b0>
Trace; c012328e <exit_mmap+6e/120>
Trace; c013a482 <exec_mmap+22/110>
Trace; c013a5d4 <flush_old_exec+64/250>
Trace; c0149e5e <load_elf_binary+3fe/9e0>
Trace; c013c77c <path_walk+6ac/790>
Trace; c0149a60 <load_elf_binary+0/9e0>
Trace; c013abc0 <search_binary_handler+70/180>
Trace; c013ae4c <do_execve+17c/1e0>
Trace; c013bcce <getname+5e/a0>
Trace; c0105b30 <sys_execve+30/60>
Trace; c0106eda <system_call+32/38>
Code;  d48e3248 <[mach64]mach64_vm_shm_close+5c/150>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code;  d48e3248 <[mach64]mach64_vm_shm_close+5c/150>   <=====
   0:   8b 03                     mov    (%ebx),%eax   <=====
Code;  d48e324a <[mach64]mach64_vm_shm_close+5e/150>
   2:   39 70 40                  cmp    %esi,0x40(%eax)
Code;  d48e324c <[mach64]mach64_vm_shm_close+60/150>
   5:   75 01                     jne    8 <_EIP+0x8> d48e3250 
Code;  d48e324e <[mach64]mach64_vm_shm_close+62/150>
   7:   45                        inc    %ebp
Code;  d48e3250 <[mach64]mach64_vm_shm_close+64/150>
   8:   3b 44 24 20               cmp    0x20(%esp,1),%eax
Code;  d48e3254 <[mach64]mach64_vm_shm_close+68/150>
   c:   75 25                     jne    33 <_EIP+0x33> d48e327a 
Code;  d48e3256 <[mach64]mach64_vm_shm_close+6a/150>
   e:   85 d2                     test   %edx,%edx
Code;  d48e3258 <[mach64]mach64_vm_shm_close+6c/150>
  10:   74 0a                     je     1c <_EIP+0x1c> d48e3264 
Code;  d48e325a <[mach64]mach64_vm_shm_close+6e/150>
  12:   8b 43 00                  mov    0x0(%ebx),%eax

 invalid operand: 0000
CPU:    0
EIP:    0010:[exit_mmap+250/288]
EIP:    0010:[<c012331a>]
EFLAGS: 00013202
eax: 0d48d000   ebx: 00000000   ecx: 0000000e   edx: d24d88b4
esi: d24d87f4   edi: d24d87f4   ebp: 00000000   esp: cc64fae4
ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
Process X (pid: 1757, stackpage=cc64f000)
Stack: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 d3f32e34 d24d87f4 cc64e000 0000000b 
       00000000 c011317a d24d87f4 d24d87f4 c0116fab d24d87f4 c020837e cc64fc14 
       c011123e c02082a0 00000000 c0107407 00000000 c0204084 c02041cd c020837e 
Call Trace: [mmput+74/112] [do_exit+139/448] [bust_spinlocks+62/80] [die+71/96] 
Call Trace: [<c011317a>] [<c0116fab>] [<c011123e>] [<c0107407>] [<c0111607>] 
   [<c013bef0>] [<c013c77c>] [<c012c075>] [<c0129c15>] [<c0111280>] [<c0106fcc>] 
   [<d48eaec0>] [<d48e3248>] [generic_file_read+138/432] [exit_mmap+111/288] 
[exec_mmap+35/272] [flush_old_exec+100/592] 
   [<d48eaec0>] [<d48e3248>] [<c0124bda>] [<c012328f>] [<c013a483>] [<c013a5d4>] 
   [<c0149e5e>] [<c013c77c>] [<c0149a60>] [<c013abc1>] [<c013ae4c>] [<c013bcce>] 
   [<c0105b30>] [<c0106edb>] 
Code: 0f 0b 68 00 03 00 00 6a 00 57 e8 97 d4 ff ff 83 c4 20 5b 5e 

>>EIP; c012331a <exit_mmap+fa/120>   <=====
Trace; c011317a <mmput+4a/70>
Trace; c0116faa <do_exit+8a/1c0>
Trace; c011123e <bust_spinlocks+3e/50>
Trace; c0107406 <die+46/60>
Trace; c0111606 <do_page_fault+386/4d0>
Trace; c013bef0 <cached_lookup+10/50>
Trace; c013c77c <path_walk+6ac/790>
Trace; c012c074 <free_page_and_swap_cache+a4/b0>
Trace; c0129c14 <kfree+174/220>
Trace; c0111280 <do_page_fault+0/4d0>
Trace; c0106fcc <error_code+34/3c>
Trace; d48eaec0 <[mach64]mach64_device+0/0>
Trace; d48e3248 <[mach64]mach64_vm_shm_close+5c/150>
Trace; d48eaec0 <[mach64]mach64_device+0/0>
Trace; d48e3248 <[mach64]mach64_vm_shm_close+5c/150>
Trace; c0124bda <generic_file_read+8a/1b0>
Trace; c012328e <exit_mmap+6e/120>
Trace; c013a482 <exec_mmap+22/110>
Trace; c013a5d4 <flush_old_exec+64/250>
Trace; c0149e5e <load_elf_binary+3fe/9e0>
Trace; c013c77c <path_walk+6ac/790>
Trace; c0149a60 <load_elf_binary+0/9e0>
Trace; c013abc0 <search_binary_handler+70/180>
Trace; c013ae4c <do_execve+17c/1e0>
Trace; c013bcce <getname+5e/a0>
Trace; c0105b30 <sys_execve+30/60>
Trace; c0106eda <system_call+32/38>
Code;  c012331a <exit_mmap+fa/120>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code;  c012331a <exit_mmap+fa/120>   <=====
   0:   0f 0b                     ud2a      <=====
Code;  c012331c <exit_mmap+fc/120>
   2:   68 00 03 00 00            push   $0x300
Code;  c0123320 <exit_mmap+100/120>
   7:   6a 00                     push   $0x0
Code;  c0123322 <exit_mmap+102/120>
   9:   57                        push   %edi
Code;  c0123324 <exit_mmap+104/120>
   a:   e8 97 d4 ff ff            call   ffffd4a6 <_EIP+0xffffd4a6> c01207c0 
Code;  c0123328 <exit_mmap+108/120>
   f:   83 c4 20                  add    $0x20,%esp
Code;  c012332c <exit_mmap+10c/120>
  12:   5b                        pop    %ebx
Code;  c012332c <exit_mmap+10c/120>
  13:   5e                        pop    %esi

1 warning issued.  Results may not be reliable.

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