El Lun 22 Oct 2001 17:52, Malte Cornils escribió:
> Manuel Teira wrote:
> > If you find any problem compiling the new branch, please make me know.
> OK, let me see. With regards to that libXau problem: it
> 's sufficient to just copy /usr/X11R6/lib to /usr/X11R6-DRI/lib, the
> rest of the tree isn't necessary. Otherwise, I followed the DRI
> compilation guide under "Documentation".

O.K. This is just a issue derived from the trimming of the DRI trunk, I hope.
> The build (or rather, the make install) failed until I removed tdfx
> from line 821 in file
> X11R6-DRI/build/xc/lib/GL/mesa/src/drv/Makefile.

Have you got errores related to the glide library?
Perhaps you should comment out the line:
#define HasGlide3 YES
in the host.def file.
Or perhaps would be good to comment it out in our mach64 branch.

> The instructions for making the nls stuff seem to be outdated, since
> there no longer is any xc/nls in CVS.
> taking /usr/X11R6-DRI/lib into ld.so.conf doesn
> 't help for libGL and libGLU, since those already should exist from
> any previous X installation in /usr/lib, and /usr/lib is implicitly
> given preference over anything form ld.so.conf. I had to move the
> old ones away and symlink/copy over the new ones.
What I made for the tests was using:
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/X11R6-DRI/lib/libGL.so


export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/X11R6-DRI/lib

> Unfortunately, I have a PCI Mach64; modprobe mach64 failed without a
> helpful error message since agpgart wasn
> 't installed into the kernel. After modprobing agpgart, then
> modprobing mach64 (that last one is probably also handled
> automagically at X startup), glxinfo showed the valued "Direct
> Rendering enabled". And it was; small differences in the display of
> 3D apps showed that. However, performance was about as slow as
> software-rendering; at least for gltron, I got about the same
> average fps as with software mesa.
> That is probably due to my card not being an AGP variant (also my
> mainboard does have a - currently empty - AGP slot).

I don't know. We are not using any AGP feature just now. What processor does
your computer have? I'm getting about 215-220 fps in hw mode and no more than
100 (not exactly) in software mode.
> That
> 's about it - I tested 3D with gears, gltron and blender and all
> "worked" with a few glitches (not important right now).
> So, I hope you'll find my report useful. It certainly was fun for
> me, believe it or not.

Thank you for your report.

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