On Thursday 06 December 2001 01:16, Punt Runt wrote:

> i've been checking dri.sourceforge.net almost daily
> since i've discovered that the problem (below) is
> related to lack of real mach64 support.  can you
> please update us on the status of this project?
> should we hope for any support, or is it just not
> going to happen?

It's in progress.  Problem is that the person working on the critical piece 
(me) is having to deal with a pressing personal issue so it's delayed right 
at the moment.  

A sitrep for all that haven't been following (and for those that have):

Manuel Tiera migrated the old codebase to something relatively close to the 
head of the CVS tree.  This code didn't work very well because the DMA test 
would hang your machine up hard.  If you didn't load the DRM module, you 
could get some accelerated 3D support because Gareth Hughes had coded in a 
kludge in the Mesa driver to verify that the code there was working properly- 
this is in the form of direct register writes for the 3D operations.  It 
won't take too much to migrate the placeholder code to the real thing once we 
have the DRM layer working correctly.

After getting that going, Manuel and others tinkered with the code to find 
out what gave with the DMA pass.  Manuel found the problem which was some 
register setup in the 2D driver layer that broke pretty much everything for 
the DMA engine use.  Right now, I am working on getting the DRM layer's DMA 
scheme working- I'm trying to come up with a workable buffer management 
algorithm, etc. as the RagePRO does things differently than most other cards 
done to date.  I've got a good idea where I need to go with it, but my time's 
been rather limited of late because of varying things coming up (Like playing 
the "scramble to find work" game as my employer's not making payroll...).

Frank Earl

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