On Wed, 2002-01-23 at 22:37, Eugene Brevdo wrote:
> Hi all,
> I guess this type of e-mail comes up every once in a while, but I see
> that the Utah-GLX project made a bit of headway with their support for
> the S3 Savage chip (a very popular chip with laptop manufacturers). 
> However, I haven't seen too much on the Utah-GLX scene lately, and it
> would be nice to have GLX support for this chip with XFree86 v4.  Has
> anyone been working on the DRI drivers?  I might have considered trying
> to do it myself, but as yet I have no driver/GL programming experience,
> and little experience programming C in general.

Actually I have started reading up on DRI which will hopefully end up in
me trying to write a DRI driver for that chip (which is, as you say, a
popular laptop chip - among others my own) from the Utah-GLX drivers.
Perhaps a futile attempt, but what the heck... wish me luck :)

/ Mattias

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