On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Bill Currie wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 04:46:32PM -0800, Jim Carter wrote:
> > However, when the current user did not have permission to write on card0
> > (due to mode 0660 group video, the default provided by SuSE SaX2)
> Wouldn't it be better to add the user to group video?

That's reasonable on a personal laptop, but in a school computer lab or a
cartful of laptops for public checkout, the sysop doesn't really want to
have to put every undergrad in the school into group video. (For one thing,
there's a nasty limit of 1024 bytes per line in /etc/group, at least on
Solaris.) Similarly, for a while about 10 years ago we had a three-headed
setup where one CPU served its own video card, plus two other users on
X-terminals, and it gave us 30 seats in a lab until we could scrape up the
money for something better.

The point is, you have to deal with arbitrary users on the console and
multiple users on the CPU.  The "right" way to handle it (not available 10
years ago) is for a PAM module (pam_devperm.so) to chown a list of devices
to the console user, locking out all others.  Specifically from mapping the
console user's homework in video RAM.

It works for /dev/cdrom, /dev/modem, /dev/mouse, /dev/dsp, /dev/midi0,
etc., apparently with no special support in the drivers beyond a generic
devfs interface, so why does it break /dev/dri/card0?

James F. Carter          Voice 310 825 2897    FAX 310 206 6673
UCLA-Mathnet;  6115 MSA; 405 Hilgard Ave.; Los Angeles, CA, USA  90095-1555
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.math.ucla.edu/~jimc (q.v. for PGP key)

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