
I bothered ALexander Stohr and got to working on the features supported list.

This is a basic template / example feature table.

Things that would so far already be differnet in a "release qualiteit" doc could 
include: a Key explaining anything needing explaining.

Links to other projects that provide support for certain features (gatos)

A section of the table dealing with components that are optional on a card eg tv-out, 
video capture, etc. 

Problems encountered:
1. Knowing what is relevant. 
So far this information comes from the ATI spec sheets, and obvioulsy it is difficult 
for me to know what is relevent architecture and what is marchitecture or irrelevent 
(ie is supported function in hw whether inplemented in DRI code or not).

Knowing the status of various features.
2. I have a Radeon 32MB SDR OEM, it accelerates my 3d apps, my knowledge of which of 
its features are implemented in DRI is sketchy at best.

Posisble solutions:
Spent more than 10 minutes on the html would improve quality. 
Getting sugestions from what people would like to see included would help far more.

1. I could either keep the table very small, and have people request things to be 
added, or make it contian anything that could possibly be relevent, and remove things 
that turn out to be irrelevent (again at the request of people in the know).

2. This I need all the help I can get. DRI developers probably know exactly which 
features are done, which are being worked on and which are not. I'm pretty sure 
Vladimir knows what the status is regarding the tv / vivo functionality.

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