On Tue, 2002-04-09 at 07:53, Jens Owen wrote:
> Eric,
> First off, let me say:  Good work on the porting, it's nice to see the
> OS independence put to the test.
Thanks.  Things are going well.  I've been approved for a commit bit to
the FreeBSD repository, and the OS-templated DRM (mostly the
bsd-2-0-0-branch DRM but with some modifications) will soon become a
part of the FreeBSD kernel.  It's been pretty well tested with 4.1.0 and
4.2.0, so I feel good about this.

> Eric Anholt wrote:
> > 
> > Also, are people testing older X servers with new DRMs?  In particular,
> > has anyone used a mesa4 or tcl Radeon DRM with a 4.1.0/4.2.0 X Server?
> Yes, at this point, the Radeon DRM, version 1.3, on the TCL branch has
> been heavily tested for backwards compatability with official XFree86
> releases.  However, keep in mind that we do break compatabiliy on
> internal releases.  So, the 1.3 module from early March has a different
> interface than the 1.3 we have today.  1.3 won't be officially frozen
> until it is merged into XFree86 and released.
Yeah, my TCL tarball will hopefully track the tcl branch pretty
closely.  It's also where I'm working on experimental code (e.g. getting
i810/i830 working).  The target of this code is people who are tracking
CVS and don't mind compatibility breaking or a little more danger.

> > At this point I have a FreeBSD DRM set which is mesa4 but with
> > drmcommand and tcl bits pulled in, working for Radeon with TCL and I
> > think for the other cards, too.
> Mergin the drmcommand tcl bits is something I've opted to wait on.  TCL
> isn't merged into the trunk, yet, for a reason.  When it has stabilized
> (and been merged to the trunk), you may want to revisit your BSD
> version.
Well, since I'm only working on the DRM, the drmcommand stuff was easy
-- just moving around a few chunks of header.  It made things cleaner

> > I have the pre-tcl version archived,
> > too, but I had tried the tcl because the mesa4 version was not working
> > with either 4.2.0 or mesa4 X Server (can't remember which -- it was
> > working for clears and I think 2d GL commands but triangles weren't
> > being rendered as far as I could tell).
> The TCL branch is mesa 4 based as well.  The trunk has Mesa 4.0.2 merged
> in recently.  What time frame and which branch were you having trouble
> with?
Let me clarify: I had been stuck on the mesa4 OS-templated DRM since
December because the ATI cards (r128 and radeon) were not working.  I
think at this point 4.2.0, DRI trunk, and tcl-branch X servers are
working with the TCL/experimental DRM with the exception of a DRI CVS
Radeon X server versus the new TCL drm.  I have to check this again,
though, because I could be very wrong (haven't tested for quite a

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