
Here is my "alpha" list of features I would apreciate feedback on what should be on 
the feature checklist, the grouping and most importantly the *status* of these 

(I deliberately included everything bar the kitchen sink that I can find so that I 
dont have to add them in future. Which means that some of it is marketing blurb.)

This is about as simple as I can make it. Simply put Yes / No, HW / SW, or any other 
apropriate comment next to the feature.

Feel free to point me to any existing list(s) indicating the level of suport that 
these features currently enjoy. 

ATI R100 (Radeon)

Full Screen --------------------
Line & Edge --------------------

Double Buffering ---------------

Anisotrophic texture -----------
Bilinear -----------------------
Trilinear ----------------------

KTX buffer region extension ----
Key Frame Interpolation --------

Gamma Control ------------------
Guard Band Clipping ------------

Bump ---------------------------
Cubic Envionment ---------------
Dot Product 3 ------------------
Dual-Parabloid -----------------
Emboss -------------------------
Mip ----------------------------
Perspectively Correct Texture --

Page Flipping ------------------

Single-Pass Multi-Texture ------
System Memory Blits ------------
Superscalar Rendering ----------
Specular Highlights ------------

Table Fog ----------------------
TCL Back Face Culling ----------
TCL Hardware -------------------
Twin Cache Architecture --------
Texture Units per pipeline (3) -
Triangle Setup Engine ----------
True Colour Rendering ----------

Cache --------------------------
Compositing --------------------
(De)Compression ----------------

Vertical Sync ------------------
Vertex Skinning ----------------
Volume Textures ----------------

W Buffer -----------------------
W Fog --------------------------

Z Plane
Z Fog --------------------------
Z Mask -------------------------
Fast Z Clear -------------------
HierachicalZ -------------------
HyperZ -------------------------
Z-buffer: 16, 24, 32 bits ------
8 bit Stencil ------------------

Fog Effects --------------------
Texture Lighting ---------------
Video Textures -----------------
Reflections --------------------
Shadows ------------------------
Spotlights ---------------------
LOD Biasing --------------------
Texture Morphing ---------------

Video Features
Adaptive De-interlacing -
Motion compensation -----
IDCT (sp?) --------------

Driver Optimisations
3DNow! -
SSE ----
SSE2 ---


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