Leif Delgass wrote:

> After merging the trunk into the mach64 branch, I get a segfault in the
> Xserver in DRIClipNotify (dereferences a null pointer when trying to call
> a wrapper function, I think) if direct rendering is disabled after
> DRIFinishScreenInit is called, e.g. if the init of the drm kernel module
> fails.  I tested this with Rage128 by making the cce_init return non-zero
> and I get the same thing.  Was there a recent change in libdri.a that
> would be causing this?


I spent a little time this morning looking at this.  There have been a 
few minor changes to dri.c in the last month.  It's possible that one of 
these is biting you:

revision 1.40
date: 2002/06/12 15:50:27;  author: keithw;  state: Exp;  lines: +16 -0
merged tcl-0-0-branch
revision 1.39
date: 2002/06/02 16:00:44;  author: mdaenzer;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -1
fixes for big endian in general and powerpc in particular
revision 1.38
date: 2002/05/28 13:45:11;  author: jensowen;  state: Exp;  lines: +4 -0
bump clipstamp before destroying drawable

However, I think you may be tickling a latent bug in the DRI.  It's 
possible that all the other drives have just avoided this bug so far.

I looked at DRICloseScreen and I don't see that the DRIClipNotify 
wrapper is being removed.  There are other unwraps missing as well.

Can you send me a back trace from a static debuggable server?  Let me 
know if you need help building this.

          Jens Owen            /  \/\ _
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /    \ \ \   Steamboat Springs, Colorado

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