Slava Polyakov wrote:
> On July 16, 2002 06:19 pm, you wrote:
>>Slava Polyakov wrote:
>>>On July 16, 2002 04:15 pm, you wrote:
>>>>Every so often (for example after 1hr of gameplay) a glx program like
>>>>RTCW or WINE running SOF2 freezes... now, Only the program however, X is
>>>>fine. However it freezes my mouse and kdb... if I telnet in and kill the
>>>>offending process things are almost back to normal except my mouse accel
>>>>isn't restored and the gamma is messed up...
>>>>nothing in dmesg except the usual
>>>>[drm:radeon_freelist_get] *ERROR* returning NULL!
>>>>billion of those...
>>>>I'm not sure, but it looks like a userspace lib issue, but I really dunno
>>>>much about glx, so I really can't be sure... however the situation is
>>>>described above.  I can kill the offending process (which is of course
>>>>eating up 100% CPU and doesn't respond to anything other then sigkill)
>>>More feedback.... possibly related.... These *might* have started
>>>happening after I installed folding@home (it's another distributed
>>>network client, so it's running at niceness of 19 and picking up all
>>>leftover cycles).  Maybe because this process now "fights" with glx stuff
>>>for cycles some sort of race happens?
>>>During the really really old days before Michel Dänzer fixed the dma
>>>timeout problem for fast boxes I run a while(1); type of thing to compete
>>>with RTCW for cycles and slow my box down, but after Michel fixed it,
>>>everything was fine until now... (well about a week ago actually).... i
>>>check out and rebuild cvs around once a week.  And I installed
>>>folding@home around 2 weeks ago also.
>>When this happens, can you use gdb to attach to the executable and get a
> Well, this brings up a problem, or more specifically a question, I usually 
> compile stuff without frame pointers, desperate for any bit of speed. 
> However, I can certainly recompile X with frame pointers and I assume that 
> will also recompile all the glx supporting libs (libGL?)... However, the real 
> problem is that it's the software that freezes like say, RTCW (which is a 
> commercial game so it has no debugging syms or framepointers....) and sof2... 
> So I'm not really sure what I should be giving you a backtrace of.... Or even 
> if one is possible since the "freeze" happens in the program that I'm 
> running, and the only gl software I run long enough are these games.

As long as the is compiled with debugging you'll be able to get a 
partial backtrace, which is all you need.


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