Ian Romanick wrote:
> I noticed that some code from Mesa was recently folded into DRI to support
> APPLE_client_storage.  What does it take to enable that in a driver?  Is it
> like SGIS_generate_mipmaps in that the driver just needs to enable it?
> On a related note, some time ago (on an IRC meeting, I think) there was some
> discussion about directly mapping Mesa backing store into AGP space.  At the
> time it seemed feasable, but there were still some issues.  Has anyone given
> this any thought in the meantime?  As the texture requirements for games
> explodes into the stratosphere, we'll be much better off if we can require
> fewer copies textures. :)
> Maybe someday one of us will get to hardware accelerating
> SGIS_generate_mipmaps...

The r200 driver has the allocator parts of GL_NV_vertex_array_range, and can 
do blit-uploads for texture images in agp space.  Currently these require 
PACK_CLIENT_STORAGE (as uploads are normally lazy).  We could do eager uploads 
when the pack parameter isn't present, I suppose.


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