> > btw what about now?
> Much, much better. I have a few more comments though ..... ;)
Refer to my email about a certain cycle. <g>
> 1. For the mailing list info, there is a link to the old Geocrawler
> archives. I think that should probably be removed because SF.net has their
> own archives now and they also include the content from the old Geocrawler
> archives. You can already get to the SF.net archives by clicking on the
> mailing list name and then choosing archives on the following page. It might
> be nice to add an archive link right next to every mailing list, so for
> example:
> dri-devel  [Archives]
> dri-user  [Archives]
> ....
> ....
> Or just have the mailing list name and have
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe/Preferences/Achives next to it like SF.net does. You
> can just copy/paste their HTML code.
Done something like this.
> 2. I really like the new font, it makes things a lot easier to read! But,
> the font in the left menu frame is not the same, that should be fixed.
You should "arial, helvetica, sans-serif" ring any bells. 
My mistake was dri.inc isn't used in the menu, besides it never looked ugly
under Opera 6 or Netscape 7 iirc. Fixed.
> 3. On the status page you have the outstanding infrastructure status at the
> bottom. While that certainly is status information, I don't think it fits in
> with the other content of the page and is probably also not the kind of
> status information a user would be looking for. I suggest you move that
> information onto the contribute page and reorganize that page into the
> following topics/headings:
This I like it, gives the contribute page a reason to exist.
>     a) "We are looking for more developers" : keep the first three
> paragraphs of the intro text as it is now.
>     b) "Where to get started?" : link to the developer FAQ, pointer to
> mailing lists, link to IRC logs and time (just point to the   FAQ questions)
> and link to documentation page. So basically the last 4 sentences from the
> current page.
Ah but with links for those who cant / wont click on Help & FAQ or Documentation
even with three (with frames, two without) links on the page. <g>
>     c) "Outstanding Projects" : the outstanding infrastructure status info,
> that would be useful for developers wondering what items still need to be
> done (aside from drivers of course).
Done and now you begin to see the other need for dri card features lists.
> 4. Links on the links page should have target="_top" or "_new" so that they
> don't open in a frame. The same goes for the links to the mailing lists and
> the links to other peoples pages on the Status page (Leif's page has the
> problem, I dunno about the others).
Wonder why no one mentioned this, thanks. 
Nailed those two pages and contribute page, don't think there are anymore, or if they 
are it's probably better that way.
> 5. And my last major major gripe is the frame at the top with the big logo.
> It really does take up a lot of screenspace -- even at 1024x768. I really
> don't think it's necessary to have it there to remind people that they are
> on the DRI site. If you really really want to display the DRI logo I suggest
> two things:
>     a) BEST**** --- just put the little DRI logo at the top of the left menu
> frame, like on the current site
>     b) If you really want to have a big top logo on every page, insert it at
> the top of the page so I can scroll it out of view.
Well I'm leaving it just to bug you <g>
Seriously though I think others are far more tolerant of this. 

> Just modify the dri_header() code for that.
I know how to do things, I just don't know which things to do. <g> 

Now I have a question.
In the left hand menu / frame at the bottom is:
Hosted by:
Now it is obviously slicker to not have "Hosted by:"
but should it (the text) be removed? 


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