Hi all.

I'm a proud Radeon owner with an Gentoo-1.4 / Unreal Tournament 2003 
Demo CD.
I also have a Geforce 2 MX 400 (my brother's but he gave it to me when 
he sold the rest of his computer) and I've confirmed that UT runs GREAT 
on it.
Anyway, I understand that S3 have been approached a few times regarding 
their patented S3 Texture Compression.
I expect there's about 1% chance they will give the DRI team the OK to 
go ahead with implementing their Texture Compression (their patents are 
all they have). Now unfortunately I have a 'classic' radeon (64MB DDR 
VIVO) which (I assume) is unsupported by ATI's closed-source binaries, 
so their drivers aren't an option. So instead I would hope that ATI (or 
possibly S3) would provide a closed-source binary module to add S3 
Texture Compression to the Radeon / all DRI drivers.
Is this possible? (ie the DRI Radeon module with a supporting S3 Texture 
Compression module)?

While I'm at it, I read that some Gatos stuff has been merged recently, 
but I haven't been able to get TV-out running (I used to have it working 
under XFree86-4.1.0 / Gatos, but it was a little crashy and WineX 
doesn't work so well with it). So is the TV-out stuff not merged?

Thanks is advance!

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