On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 15:43:49 -0800
Ian Romanick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Keith Whitwell wrote:
> > Ian Romanick wrote:
> >> The document is not 100% complete.  A few sections, such as the 
> >> replacement policy, need more discussion before they can be completed. 
> >> I have also included an "issues" section in the spirit of "issues" 
> >> sections in OpenGL extension documents.  I think the most significan 
> >> issue is 3.13, but I don't think any of them are trivial.  I fully 
> >> expect this section to grow. :)
> > 
> > 
> > 3.13 - I think the only sane option is '2' -- fallback to software when 
> > out of memory.  I'm pretty sure GL doesn't allow you to silently throw 
> > away mipmaps under memory pressure.
> That was the consensus that I got from several people around here that 
> worked on OpenGL on AIX.  I seem to recall that this strategy was used a 
> long time, but it caused problems with Quake2.  The problem was that the 
> app would look at the value reported by GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE and run with 
> it.  If that caused texture memory to be over-commited, then the app ran 
> like a dog.
> The best answer might be to make it a configuration option.  Let users 
> decide to either fallback to sw rasterization, limit the maximum texture 
> size, or use some other dirty trick to prevent the fallback (such as 
> dropping mipmaps under memory pressure).  It's a general problem that 
> doesn't have a good solution in OpenGL.

It may be much easier to implement a configuration option that lets the
user choose the maximum texture size instead.

> > A small nitpick:  you talk about wrapping _tnl_run_pipeline().  I think 
> > this isn't a good approach, particularly as not all rendering proceeds 
> > through that function, in fact there is no guarentee that drivers even 
> > include that function.  The cutdown embedded radeon driver on the Mesa 
> > embedded-1-branch is an example of such a driver.  I would suggest that 
> > the points at which we aquire hardware locks are better suited to 
> > ensuring resources are present -- although this may be too late to 
> > decide that a fallback is required...  Hmm...
> I based this on what I saw in the radeon driver.  It is possible that my 
> analysis of that driver was not correct.  My impression what that 
> textures were brought back into memory in the wrapper function.  I 
> thought about doing it at lock acquisition time, but I saw a couple of 
> problems with that.  The biggest problem was that the state at the time 
> the lock is acquired may not be the same as when rendering begins.  I 
> could see that leading to cases where textures or vertex buffers are 
> brought into memory (and other data is displaced) that won't be used.

I don't understand this. The wrapper would have to decide what's needed
long before a lock is acquired. Or am I missunderstanding what "lock"

> Basically, I wanted to find the point where we could say "this is the 
> state that will be used for some actual rendering."  At that point, we 
> would make sure that state was available.
> In any case, there was some good discussion of the design on #dri-devel 
> today.  I'm going to make some updates to the document and send out a 
> new version in the next day or so.

Enough tottering for today. I didn't follow all the discussions about
the new memory manager before. Now I think I'm catching up. Good work!


               __\|/__    ___     ___     ___
__Tschüß_______\_6 6_/___/__ \___/__ \___/___\___You can do anything,___
_____Felix_______\Ä/\ \_____\ \_____\ \______U___just not everything____
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    >o<__/   \___/   \___/        at the same time!

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