On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 11:46:13PM +0000, José Fonseca wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 11:47:13PM -0800, Philip Brown wrote:
> > The docs at
> > http://dri.sourceforge.net/doc/drm_low_level.html
> > 
> > say about drmAddMap(), for type DRM_SHM,
> > 
> > "A shared memory area of the requested size will be created and locked in
> > kernel memory."
> > 
> > 
> > Is that supposed to be the same thing as "locked in physical memory"?
> > Because without specifying more exactly, under some OSes, it is not
> > the same thing by default.
> You have to better enlighten the difference between those.
> In either case, the physical memory offset itself is not important since
> the SAREA won't be accessed directly by the graphicas hardware: just the
> kernel, X and the client.

I'd rather hear first what it is "supposed" to mean in the current
implementations. The current docs say "locked in kernel memory".
As written, that statement does not make sense to me. So I am
GUESSING it really means "locked in physical memory". But I would like
clarification on what it is supposed to mean.

(I understand that the actual physical offset is not important. but
 I suspect that the original writers intended for it to be locked down
 into physical memory for performance reasons.)

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