Linus Torvalds wrote:
On Sat, 29 Mar 2003, Linus Torvalds wrote:

I tested on radeon, and tested by compiling all the drivers into the
kernel. Looked good as far as I can tell. Although I have to say that the
current DRI CVS tree has a lot of flashing textures on the commercial
tuxracer thing.

I also checked it out on a i845GE setup, and it has occasional flashes there too, much much less.

However, more worrying is that the current DRI tree seems to (a) break Xscreensaver (yeah yeah, I saw the flames, but it's still annoying from a _user_ perspective) and (b) after 5 minutes of testing on the i845GE thing I already saw what appeared to be a hard lockup on server restart.

I had thought people reported the server restart thing as fixed? It didn't look that way to me.

The server reset bug that was fixed was radeon-specific. I've been trying with the dri trunk & can't reproduce the hang on one 845 box, though I've got another & can try that too.


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