--- Mike Mestnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Mike Mestnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Dri-devel] Only "normal" DRI and Mesa CVS access as developer, now?
> To: "lists.sourceforge.net dri-devel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> CC: Michel "Dänzer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 15:57:28 -0700 (PDT)
> I'm hoping that I don't have hardware problems, quake3 (UT & TC) has been having 
> some problems. 
> For the past fue weeks it has on vary rare occasions just quit, leaving the X server 
> hung
> looping
> for an ioctl to return true.  I think quake3 may have left a lock open b4 it quit.
> I did get CVS on monday and installed it, here are some broken pix.  It has not 
> locked up *yet*.
> http://filbert.is-a-geek.org/~cheako/
I have more detailed info now, My CVS update on monday still has the problem.  Here 
are some logs

strace -p $(pidof X)
--- SIGALRM (Alarm clock) ---
sigreturn()                             = ? (mask now [])
ioctl(6, 0x6444, 0)                     = -1 EBUSY (Device or resource busy)
ioctl(6, 0x6444, 0)                     = -1 EBUSY (Device or resource busy)
--- SIGALRM (Alarm clock) ---

lsof reports 6 is /dev/dri/card0

overrun:~# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by    Not tainted
radeon                101256   1  (autoclean) <-- maby there should be less locking if 
there is
only one user?

Something like ( Lock_Free || ( MOD_USE_COUNT && 1 ) ) forgive my bad syntax I'm not 
that good
with bools.

It seams that quake3 has not only quit, but returned error.
 4556 ?        S      0:00 quake3.x86 +quit <-- this is something my quake3 script 
Simply put, the full source is on my web server.
quake3.x86 $@ || quake3.x86 +quit 2> /dev/null > /dev/null && xset m default

I'm sure this will happen again, is there any test I should do when it dose?

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