I am using i830-20030820-linux.tar.bz2 on redhat 9 , p4 system 512 ram
intel motherboard 845 chipset . I want to install dri for the onboard
graphics. From the bios I can assignt up to 8 mbytes for video ram. The
modules compile and load fine,however dri is disabled with the following
errors :

        "12516 kBytes addtional video memory is required to enable
tiling mode for DRI"
        "5352 kBytes additional video memory is required to enable DRI"

Is my only option to get a video adaptor with more memory ?

        Best regards ,

Dimitris Zilaskos

Department of Physics @ Aristotle Univercity of Thessaloniki , Greece
PGP key : http://tassadar.physics.auth.gr/~dzila/pgp_public_key.asc
MD5sum  : 4f84f3f53cb046008b4abcb2a092d28d  pgp_public_key.asc

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