Eric Anholt wrote:

Just a headsup on what's going on with the CVS.  We've got several of
the developers added (fxkuehl, daenzer, keithw, idr, jonsmirl, akin,
anholt).  At this point I'm just waiting to get a new snapshot of the
repository to move it in.  Unfortunately, the
website is down, so I've submitted a support request and hopefully it'll
be fixed soon.

In the meantime, remaining developers should send me their ssh keys and
preferred username.  Also, what do we want to do with the old CVS on once we move over?  Should we do something to prevent commits
from going into the old tree?

Here's a little script that will fix an existing DRI tree to use the new CVS server. It seems to work okay, but it's hard to tell 100% since the SF and FreeDesktop repositories are out of sync.



find . -type d -a -name CVS |\
while read d
    cat $d/Root \
        | sed 's/\/cvshome/\/cvs/' \
        > $tmp
    mv $tmp $d/Root

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