I'm thinking about implementing a textured video option on radeon for
mergedfb (or non-mergedfb too for that matter).  It would be useful
since video windows could span heads in mergedfb mode and you could
also have multiple Xv windows at the same time rather than just one
with the overlay unit.  My questions are as follows:

1.  looking at the mga textured video code, it disables the DRI when it
is in use.  is there any reason for this?  is it possible to use the
texture engine for Xv and DRI at the smae time.  It seems like it
should.  I think directfb does this for 3D and alpha blended windows
already.  When implemeting this on radeon, would I have to use the CP
to program the texture registers or could I use MMIO?  I've been toying
with the idea of converting the existing Xv code to CP anyway, however
if you disabled the DRI and wanted to use the overlay or the texture
engine you'd need an MMIO code path at least.

2.  I don't really understand the 3D driver.  Could some one explain to
me which registers I would need to manipulate to use the texture engine
for Xv?  or at least how it should work for 3D so I can attempt it for
Xv?  I assume they are defined in radeon_reg.h?  They seem to be...

3.  Is there a limit on the number of textures on radeon?  How many Xv
ports should I allow for the texture engine?  I think mga allows 32,
although that might have been an arbitrary decision.

4.  Can the overlay and the texture engine Xv adapters co-exist?  for
instance when I register the Xv adapters can I register the texture Xv
adapter and the overlay Xv adapter?  that way I could choose to use one
or the other by specifying a different Xv port in Xv apps.  I don't see
why I couldn't, I'm just wondering if there are any issues with doing

5.  r200 vs r100 - how different are the texture engines?  

6.  Anything I'm missing?



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