comments inline...

> From: Carl Switzky

> I'm new to this list, so please excuse me if this topic has
> been exhaustively discussed, or if it is not appropriate.
> I didn't see any way of searching the archives.

There are archives, see, page Mailing lists
for the links.

> I'm interested in information on the comparative performance
> of OpenGL applications running with Mesa and other open
> source components available with XFree86 versus running with
> vendor proprietary DRI/DRM modules and libraries.  Any
> references that discuss this topic or posted benchmarks
> would be appreciated.

Mesa is the software renderer, thats merely XFree86 code
and of course a project of its own (better say, a project
from Brian Paul), but its tightly related since this code
makes up the software rendering fallback if a driver does
not come with his own open/closed soucre dri/drm hardware
accellerated OpenGL implementation.

There is a comparison from R.Scheidegger, it is linked at
the dri web page at Documents page, "Other Documents" 
section comparing several Radeon 9000 capable drivers
including the DRI drivers.

> Is there a general consensus about the relative performance
> between these two approaches?

Software is slow - not really the interesting part anymore.
Hardware is fast - state of the art on any current adapter.

> Is it possible to make this
> comparison for the high-end workstation cards from ATI,
> Nvidia, and 3DLabs?

What about - they drove a nice article
from the german "Linux Magazin" (Doelle from End 2002
comparing some current adpaters on the Linux platform.
And there should be several others, Tom's team likes Linux.
(Okay, xf86 & dri can do more than just "dumb" Linux...)


PS: i just used the dri wiki at OpenDesktop and added the links
that i meant, so i dont see a reason to duplicate all of them here.

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