On Saturday 29 January 2005 02:47, Dave Airlie wrote:
> I've noticed fglrx advertises this for the r200, and doom 3 wants it...
> So after I manage to beat fragment_shader into shape, going to have a look
> at how to get ARB_vp working.. r300 guys you have something going on this
> already?

I don't have an R200, but the R200 registers related to vertex processing 
are *completely* different from those on the R300. Now maybe the R200 has 
both a dedicated fixed function pipeline *and* a programmable processor, 
but unless that is the case, I assume fglrx on R200 tries to map ARB_vp 
onto fixed function when it can, and falls back to software otherwise.

Somebody with R200 hardware would have to test fglrx with the glxtest 
dumping tool to find out for sure.


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