On Tuesday 22 February 2005 21:57, Adam K Kirchhoff wrote:
> No luck.  I setup my xorg.conf file to limit X to 640x480, and used 
> xrandr to drop the refresh rate to 60...  Launched neverputt at 640x480, 
> fullscreen.  Lockup was nearly instantaneous...  The music continues, at 
> least till neverputt dies, and the mouse moves around.  Rebooted and 
> tried again...  Exact same result.  At least when I was running it at 
> 1024x768 on a mergedfb desktop of 2560x1024, I was able to play a hole 
> or two of golf...
> Two times now, I've tried running it at 640x480 on my large mergedfb 
> desktop.  I get further than I did when the screen resolution was 
> 640x480, but not much.
> I just tried two times now running it at 1280x1024 on my large mergedfb 
> desktop, and it plays fine for a number of holes.  Usually locks up 
> between holes.
> My conclusion is that these lockups are occuring when the framerate is 
> at it's highest (ie. low resolution, low texture, low activity), which I 
> believe is a situation someone else described on here not to long ago.

That was me, so I can confirm that, and it *is* different from the problem 
reported by John Clemens in the other thread (the one called "[r300] Radeon 
9600se mostly working").

Unfortunately, I won't have access to my test setup for the next weeks, so I 
don't have anything new.


> Adam

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