On Sunday 27 February 2005 23:10, Hamie wrote:
> I've added in the pci-id's for the Saphire 9600 AGP card. As it has 2 
> pci-id's, I've added both to the pciids file, and added it into 
> radeon_screen, but left the seocnd head commented out on radeon-screen.c 
> as I'm unsiure whether or not it should be treeated separately...
> Why does it appear as two pci id's anyway? Can you treat it as a second 
> card?

To the best of my knowledge, we don't add the second head PCI ID to 
drm_pciids.txt because the driver only looks for the first PCI device (in 
fact, loading two driver instances, one for each device, would be certain 
to cause lockups). So please remove the second ID.

I don't know why ATI decided to publish two PCI devices, and I don't have 
any related documentation. However, all the features like dual head can be 
used by only considering the first PCI device, as far as I know.


> H

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