I think you can spend a lot of time on this problem, but maybe we should
check some simpler things first:

      * which 3D driver are you using? From Xorg CVS or Mesa CVS? The
        latter one is the most up-to-date. With LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose you
        can check which driver binary is being used, just in case ...
      * Are you using any radeon driver options in xorg.conf? Don't use
        AGP fast writes. Maybe try different AGP speeds. Or maybe a
        different color depth helps.
      * Are you using any 3D driver options (driconf)? You may be able
        to work around some lockups by disabling TCL, HyperZ and/or
        using different frame throttling methods.
      * Are you only getting lockups with quake2 or also with other 3D
      * Which Radeon version do you have exactly?

More comments about the hard way below ...

Am Donnerstag, den 19.05.2005, 15:27 +0600 schrieb Dimitry Naldayev:
> Felix KÃhling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> 
> >> top - 11:02:53 up 19:53,  8 users,  load average: 1.22, 0.57, 0.25
> >> Tasks:  59 total,   3 running,  54 sleeping,   0 stopped,   2 zombie
> >> Cpu(s):  0.3% us, 99.7% sy,  0.0% ni,  0.0% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% 
> >> si
> >> Mem:    255232k total,   185004k used,    70228k free,    29812k buffers
> >> Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,   117208k cached
> >> 
> >>   PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND       
> >>     
> >>  1444 root      25   0  148m 5832 3332 R 99.3  2.3   1:59.36 X             
> >>      
> >>  1423 dima      15   0  2628 1084  908 S  0.7  0.4   0:01.30 esd           
> >>      
> >>  1487 dima      16   0  1864  964  764 R  0.3  0.4   0:00.14 top
> >> 
> >> 
> >> As I can see --- all cpu power eaten by X server, but I cant kill it :(
> >> even with help -9 or -11 signal 8o probably because the proces is in system
> >> (kernel) mode... 
> > Try to find a version in CVS that works and then narrow it down to one
> > specific commit that introduced the problem. This will be time consuming
> > and not very exciting though.
> >
> now I rewert to clean (ie stable) xorg-6.8.1 build from source.

Are you also using the Mesa 3D driver from xorg-6.8.1? The problem is
most likely in the 3D driver. Try reverting Mesa CVS to an older version
(cvs update -dP -D <date>) and recompiling the 3D driver from there.
Make sure that the new (old) driver actually gets used.

> (but I do not change drm module... it look like xorg source do not contain
> drm sources) this not help much :( quake crached after a minute or
> two. only garbage on the screen and locked mouse... but Xserver itself not
> locked I can shutdown Xserver by keyboard... coredump for quake2 not
> generated regardless I set ulimit -c unlimited 
> but there is a message in the log of running quake2:
> Error: R200 timed out... exiting
[ from your other mail]
> but... why I can't kill X server? 9 signal is very powerfull, but not
> work

Your top-output above shows that it's spinning in kernel mode. That's
why you can't kill it.

> What I can do farther? any ideas? 
> can this problem be related to drm module?

Probably not. The DRM is just stupid to wait forever for the graphics
engine to become available. But the actual trigger for the lockup is
most likely in the 3D driver.

> what other drm modules I can try ?

You can do the same with DRM CVS as with the Mesa CVS above.

> >> 

> > Probably quake2 or the 3D driver segfaults before the mouse grab and
> > graphics mode can be restored, possibly in r200DestroyContext. If it's
> > crashing in the graphics driver this should be fairly easy to track
> > down. Enable core dumps (ulimit -c unlimited) and analyze the core dump
> > with gdb to see where it crashed (gdb -c core `which quake2`). 
> I set ulimit -c unlimited... but were is core dump? I cant find it :(
> nor for quake2 nor for quake3 (quake3 finished with signal 11)

The core dump should be in the current working directory. Sometimes it's
called core.<pid>. Which shell are you using. Ulimit is a built in
command in bash. I don't know if it works the same in other shells.

OTOH quake2 may not be crashing because of a segfault. Sometimes I saw
quake2 die because of some invalid commands it sent to the Xserver. In
that case you should see an error message in the terminal where you
started quake2.

| Felix KÃhling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                     http://fxk.de.vu |
| PGP Fingerprint: 6A3C 9566 5B30 DDED 73C3  B152 151C 5CC1 D888 E595 |

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