I've found myself in the unfortunate ownership of many of these pitiful
SiS315-based cards and boards with onboard SiS video.  I may be interested
in reverse-engineering, as I rather like that sort of tedious work. 
however, after seeing as much as I have seen from these short-sighted
companies, I think an organized boycott of SiS would be more effective for
getting our hands on specs, or even a closed-source driver.

their chipset quality is already extremely lacking, and they will have a
really hard time beating VIA on, well, anything...and VIA is starting to
release their stuff open-source!  SiS doesn't have much to bargain with.

I will help how I can...

-Benjamin Vander Jagt

need help writing driver for SiS m650
The Slash
 Mon, 02 May 2005 10:33:05 -0700
well since there is no DRI support for the SiS m650, and according to
what I heard there never will be, I have decided to write my own. I
have never written my own driver before, and I'm a little confused as
to where to begin. I know that SiS does not normally distribute there
hardware specs, so i might end up having to reverse-engineer the
windows drivers. any advice on where to start for this sort of thing?
and if i were able to get the info from SiS, what exactly would I
This is The Slash, signing off **click**

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