On Sunday 03 July 2005 19:21, Matthew Tippett wrote:
> There is a standard name the library.
> See Section 8.2 - Packaging/Libraries of the OpenGL|ES spec on Khronos' web
> page.
> It should be libGLES_xx.so where xx is CM or CL.

Those correspond to libraries that implement OpenGL|ES.  We're not 
implementing OpenGL|ES here.  We're coopting its window system API.

In principle we should be allowed to export the EGL API from any of the 

libGL.so - full OpenGL
libGLES_CM.so - OpenGL|ES Common profile
libGLES_CL.so - OpenGL|ES Common-Lite profile

In particular, GLES specifies that glGetString(GL_VERSION) explicitly returns 
the GLES profile at the head of the string.  This gives a generic GL engine a 
way of knowing whether it's running on full GL or one of the subsets.  The 
implication there is that the use of the EGL API does not necessarily imply 
the use of a GLES subset.

My concern is not so much what happens in libGLES_*.  They'll export the EGL 
API, use the EGL driver model, etc.  That's a given.  My concern is which 
library, on a full-GL system, is responsible for advertising the EGL API.  I 
think it should be libGL, and not some new libEGL.  We don't split GLX from 
GL with a libGLX; I don't see why EGL should be different.

- ajax

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