Zack Rusin wrote:
On Sunday 14 August 2005 09:02 pm, Adam Jackson wrote:

Adam Jackson schrieb:


This shouldn't be really necessary if one is
willing to waste some texture memory.

In some cases, quite a lot of memory.  A 513x513 texture wastes between 1.5
and 3M of memory depending on your color depth.  You could offset this some
by artificially lowering the maximum texture size.  That's probably not a
terrible idea for a tunable anyway, since a few older cards have fairly
small texture caches and 512^2 textures will basically defeat them.

Note that the memory usage isn't the main problem that the lack of this extension exposes - it's the quality that matters. Without some npot support you can pretty much forget using it for desktop (unless blurry desktop strikes you fancy of course).

You can always use glTexSubImage2D to load a sub-region of a texture map and use appropriate texture coords to map that region onto a quad. With care, you can get an exact texel-to-pixel mapping.


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