On Mer, 2005-08-24 at 11:18 -0600, Brian Paul wrote:
> > 2. 1MB of the card memory is allocated for the front buffer and pinned.
> > 3. Process A allocates (and commits) a 7MB region for a big texture.
> > 4. Process B allocates (and commits) a 2MB region for a texture.  To do
> > this, it kick out part of process A's allocation.
> > 5. Process A re-commits its 7MB texture.
> > 
> > At #5 we'd much rather just upload the damaged 1MB than have to upload
> > the whole 7MB.  This is just a simple example, but the same scenario
> > happens with larger on-card memory + AGP memory and larger textures.
> This sounds fairly complicated (both for the implementor and the user).
> Is there anyway we could live without that feature and just manage 
> things at the granularity of whole regions for version 1.0?

If you make the API return a bitmap at some sane granularity (say
256K ?) then you can implement 1.0 the naiive way and have the API just
continue to work once the underlying code is smarter.

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