Adam K Kirchhoff wrote:
> Rune Petersen wrote:
>> set r_renderer "arb"
>> r_renderer "arb2" is broken. My guess is that with Mesa 6.5, Doom 3 
>> (demo) defaults to arb unlike with Mesa CVS.
>> Another thing:
>> I think we need an up-to-date list of what is working and what is 
>> still missing.
>> I have a small list for my own enjoyment, but it is far from complete:
>> Rune Petersen
> Well, certainly one of the biggest bugs (lockups with the 9800) isn't on 
> there :-)
I added a list of working cards and a list of non-working cards, both 
incomplete, but it's a start :)

Rune Rune Petersen

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