On Sun, 28 Mar 2010, Piotr Gluszenia Slawinski wrote:

> On Sat, 27 Mar 2010, Piotr Gluszenia Slawinski wrote:
>> On Sat, 27 Mar 2010, Piotr Gluszenia Slawinski wrote:
>>> kernel 2.6.32-tuxonice-r5
>>> with matrox drm component compiled into kernel - hibernation
>>> halts at 'doing atomic copy&restore'
>>> compiled as module - works fine.
>> actually does not work fine. trying to run any glx app after
>> un-hibernating results in locking of X
>> and constant printout of
>> "[drm:drm_lock_take] *ERROR* 1 holds heavyweight lock"
>> to system log.
>> killing X with signal 9 is possible then, but X do not restart :
>> old , unchanged data pops-up back after restart, and one cannot move
>> mouse nor press keys.
> also.... if one disables DRI (naively hoping this will somewhat help)
> machine fails to un-hibernate no matter what.
> *sigh*.
> p.s. i've did some more dumpster diving and i've got nvidia riva tnt2.
> suprisingly it works fine (except 3d, as it's 'legacy' drivers do not
> compile anymore, so using 'nv' driver)

and another side note - after trying various kernels and configs,
it seems to be somehow related to SMP
being enabled, or page allowance setting of tux on ice.

disabling SMP, increasing page allowance setting, and enabling ACPI
subsystem debug seems to allow hibernating of riva TNT quite reliably.

i've quit debugging further, as after searching for some cheap spares
i've got old agp nvidia quadro which works pretty seamless.

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