On maandag 8 februari 2021 13:22:56 CET Stefan Wahren wrote:
> Currently i cannot see any of the fixes by Phil
> Elwell in linux-stable. Maybe they won't apply and needs to be backport
> manually.
> Just for reference here are the revelant patches:
> https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/next/linux-next.git/commit/d
> rivers/staging/vc04_services?h=next-20210205&id=96ae327678eceabf455b11a88ba1
> 4ad540d4b046
> https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/next/linux-next.git/commit/d
> rivers/staging/vc04_services?h=next-20210205&id=88753cc19f087abe0d39644b844e
> 67a59cfb5a3d
> Could you please try?

I've now successfully build and booted a 5.10.16 kernel 'pristine' and with 
the above mentioned patches.
In the 'pristine' variant, I had the same bad/horrible quality as I 
experienced with Debian's 5.10 kernels.
The 'patched' variant seems to be a tad better, but didn't completely solve 
the audio problem. There's still some noise intermixed with the music and 
other artifacts, but I'm inclined to think it's not as horrible as before.

I'll do some more hearing tests tomorrow when I'm fresh again, but figured I'd 
share these preliminary results already.


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