G r e e t i n g s

My name is Maj. Walter Johnson, an American Army, currently in Syria for 
peacekeeping duty. I wish to let you know about a business of supplying 
Pharmaceutical active ingredients from India to an American company, I have 
done this business with an Indian partner until last when I lost him.

There is an active raw ingredients oil, which I supplied to the American 
company from India through an Indian partner. Right now I am in Syria for a 
peacekeeping mission, secondly the Coronavirus problem, so I cannot execute the 
business by myself hence I'm seeking your partnership, the Director of the 
American company has asked me for the contact of the India dealer to enable 
them to contact them for the supply. Because of the Corona-Virus pandemic, they 
told me that they cannot send their Manager to India, but they will send money 
to their agent in the American Embassy in India so that he can get the product 
from the seller and make payment. Afterwards, the agent will courier the 
product to America through their freight agent. Last year the American Company 
sent their purchase manager to India, but due to the recent global pandemic 
Corona Virus Threat, the American Company opted to send money to the agent to 
get the product and cargo to them to American.

I do not wish to give the American company's Managing Director or Chief 
Purchase Officer, the contact of the Indian Seller, because of my profit in the 
business, I normally made good profits and it was too encouraging to give away, 
I intended to present you as the Indian vendor to the American company (That 
means that you will stand as a middle person between the American company and 
original Indian vendor) so that the American company will not know the source 
and real cost of the stuff.

The Original Indian vendor is selling the material at the cost of 4,370USD Per 
Litre, while the American company buys at the cost of 13,890USD Per Litre. The 
Company normally demands between 1000- 1500 Litres every three months. I will 
convince the American company to buy the material from you. We will get the 
material from the Indian vendor and supply it to the American company through 
their agent over there in India.

Your duty will be to get the material from the local dealer and supply to the 
American Company then we (you and I ) will share the profit made on the basis 
of 70% for you and 30% for me.

Your role must be played perfectly and the least I will expect from you is 
betrayal. Again, I don’t want the American company to know the real cost or 
source of the product, likewise I don't want the Indian vendor to know about 
the American company.

A w a i t i n g your response

Maj. Walter Johnson

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