> Mike, can you share me your kernel version and which Linux distro do you use?

2.6.32-504.el6.x86_64 AKA RHEL 6.6
Happened on centos 7 and 6.5 too.
#cat /var/lib/ntp/drift
About 20 secs a day (constant)

Its not a new problem I had this in other distros and other kernels.
I would say its environmental but not just my environment.

Confirmed with Olaf on SUSEvariants back in  2012 but never came to anything

see enc email

> > KY, can your team have a look at this?
> Vijay, have we done time stability test in the recent past. We should
> look at replicating this issue on Distros of interest. Olaf, on sles11
> sp2, were you running NTP and how much was the drift.

sles11sp2: uptime 23:45 hours, its 38 seconds ahead

12.2: uptime 1 day, 5:17 hours, its 47 seconds ahead

ntpd is not running in both guests.

> Also, what was the host in this test.

The host is an uptodate w2k8 r2.



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