>> >We are hopefully going to get rid of OBD_ALLOC_LARGE() as well, though.
>> >
>> >It's simple enough to write a function:
>> >
>> >void *obd_zalloc(size_t size)
>> >{
>> >    if (size > 4 * PAGE_CACHE_SIZE)
>> >            return vzalloc(size);
>> >    else
>> >            return kmalloc(size, GFP_NOFS);
>> >}
>> >
>> >Except, huh?  Shouldn't we be using GFP_NOFS for the vzalloc() side?
>> >There was some discussion of that GFP_NOFS was a bit buggy back in 2010
>> >(http://marc.info/?l=linux-mm&m=128942194520631&w=4) but the current
>> >lustre code doesn't try to pass GFP_NOFS.
>> The version in the upstream client is out of date. The current macro in the 
>> Intel master
>> Branch is:
>That's not helpful at all, why do we even have an in-kernel version of
>this code if you don't do your development in the kernel?
>Please sync with the kernel tree very soon, or I'm just going to delete
>this whole thing.  This is getting _really_ frustrating.

First I want to make it clear I am here to help clean up the upstream client. I 
agree in the long run
it is important to move the development to what is in the upstream kernel but 
their is reason why
current development is not focus in the upstream client. 

       As the primary engineer responsible for the deployment of Lustre at ORNL 
I have to ensure
Lustre runs flawlessly. There is zero tolerance of problems or even the 
slightest performance
degradation. Trust me the users scream even when 1% performance is lost. The 
thing is we have less then 1% down time during the year. To do this I have to 
perform hundreds
of hours of testing at various scales for various versions of Lustre. This 
includes taking time on Titan.
So what does this have to do with upstream testing. Well no super computer in 
the world runs the 
latest and greatest linux kernel so the focus is just not there. Luckily the 
lab does see it is in its interest
to support the upstream client work otherwise I wouldn't be here :-)
      Second and far more importantly the upstream lustre code currently does 
not have the same 
level of QA with what the Intel branch gets.  The bar is very very high to get 
any patch merged for the
Intel branch. Each patch has to first pass a regression test suite besides the 
normal review process.
Besides that sites like ORNL have to evaluated all the changes at all the 
scales present on site. This
means doing testing on Titan because unique problems only show up at that 
scale. Because of this
the work that will soon come your way has to be first evaluated on the Intel 
branch since this is the
current path for QA. You can think of the intel branch as a lustre-next branch 
that needs to be feed back
too your branch. Eventually your branch will have to under go this level of QA 
but we are not quite
their yet.

     Now I like to see the current situation change and Greg you have know me 
for a while so you 
can expect a lot of changes are coming.  In fact I already have rallied people 
from vendors outside Intel
as well as universities which have done some excellent work which you will soon 
see. Now I hope this
is the last email I do like this. Instead I just want to send you patches. Greg 
I think the changes you will
see soon will remove your frustration.
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