Hi' from Laura,
I hope you are fine. My name is Miss. Mariam Laura Kone, I am 19 years old. I 
am presently in Bouake. It is a French speaking country. I am an orphan. I look 
forward to a steady and loving relationship with you, despite the distance from 
us, love has no boundary and if we have a deep and sincere feeling for each 
other nothing can stop our love light from shinning. Age is not the most 
important thing in relationship. The most important thing is that we have to 
love each other. And understand each other perfectly well. If I love and trust 
you i can come over and stay with you in your country which I seriously need 
now to have a better life with you.
More about me, my parents were Muslim but since after the death of my father, I 
converted to Christian. My mother died 15 years ago during child birth and the 
baby died a couple of hours after my mother gave up the ghost.
My late father (Eng Wood P. Kone) of France Republic. (FR) who has an 
appointment in Tokyo, Japan as the chief Managing director to (Abbes S. 
Association Tokyo-Japan) under Engineering project/contract awarding section.
My father died as a result of brief illness called heart attack, while he was 
coming back from (Tokyo) new location area on project inspection on Saturday 
10th December 2014. Since then, I have been under the care of 
United Nation Refugee camp. I thank God for his love and for God who gave me 
the courage and support to pass through my 6 years study in medical college.
I love happiness and love and these is what I expect from you. I have just 
finished from medical college as a cardiac surgeon and I am here now in Bouake 
to claim my late father's inheritance worth US$9,700,000.00. 
deposited in a better bank here in my name. But I was meant to understand by 
the bank director that my late father deposited this money in my name with a 
strict agreement that the money must be transferred to my appointed foreign 
guardian of any country of my choice. This money is genuine, legal and risk 
I am honorably seeking your assistance to provide me a bank account where this 
money will be transferred to. You will serve as my foreign guardian to receive 
this fund. You will make arrangement for me to come over to your country after 
the money has been transferred to you. I have plans to do investment in your 
country, like real estate, Supermarket, hospital or industrial production.
This is my reason for writing to you. Please if you are willing to assist me, 
please reply me through my private email address  mkone9...@gmail.com  and I 
will send to you all the necessary documents of the deposit in the next mail as 
I hear from you and please send me your contact information and telephone 
number for easy communication.
The most important is you. I need your tender care and love. I mean, I need you 
to understand my feelings, satisfy my emotional yearnings and treat me like a 
woman loves to be treated. I promise to make you happy for the rest of your 
I hope to hear your lovely voice very soon. I am very interested in relocation 
to a peaceful country soon, I hope you will stand by me to enable me come over 
to you soon and have a better life? I have attached my photo in this mail and I 
need to get yours in the next mail as you write.
I look forward to read soon from you. remain bless
Huge and kiss.
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