On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 09:54:22PM +1100, Tobin C. Harding wrote:
> On the topic of "one thing per patch", so we are aiming to do one
> thing per patch so it is easier to locate bugs if they get introduced
> but also, and more importantly, to make review easier. So from this
> patch am I right in thinking if the one thing is going to expose an
> error that the reviewer is going to comment on then best to do it at
> the same time so the diff is more clean?

I'm not sure I understand the question.  If you're writing a cleanup
patch and you spot a bug, the proper thing to do is to stop the cleanup,
fix the bug and send it as a separate patch, then restart the cleanup.
But this is staging and the code is so buggy so we don't care.  Just
finish the cleanup and then fix the bug.  Don't ever mix bug fixes with

dan carpenter
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