> From: Dan Williams <dan.j.willi...@intel.com>
> Sent: Friday, February 1, 2019 5:29 PM
> ... 
> Honestly, the quickest path to something functional for Linux is to
> simply delete the _LSR support and use raw mode defined namespaces.
> Why have labels if they are read-only and the region is sufficient for
> defining boundaries?
Hyper-V Virtual NVDIMM can already work with Ubuntu 19.04 virtual machine
running on Hyper-V, i.e. I can create a raw or fsdax namesapce, and create a
xfs or ext4 file sysetm in /dev/pmem0p1, and mount the file system with and
without "-o dax". The basic functionality is good.

My recent work is mainly for ndctl support, i.e. get the health info by ndctl,
and use ndctl to monitor the error events (if applicable).

-- Dexuan
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