
My reply is quite late, but the conference and Drizzle Day were both 
enlightening.  I look forward to next year.

As for updating files, I think there's a simpler, more direct approach:

SET GLOBAL regex_policy_policy=@@regex_policy_policy;

That sets the var to its current value which triggers the plugin's update hook 
and since the new value == the old value, the result is simply to reload the 

This avoid having two code paths: one for SET GLOBAL 
regex_policy_policy="new-file" and another for SET GLOBAL regex_policy_reload=1 
(which would eventually call the same code as the first statement).

Thoughts on this (you and anyone else)?


Le 17 avr. 2012 à 15:09, Anshu Kumar a écrit :

> Hi Daniel,
> How was the conference and drizzle day?
> Coming to the point, after brainstorming the possibilities that I have in the 
> issue of making regex policy plugin dynamic, I think that the solution I 
> proposed in my last mail is best for now. And using that we wont need any 
> issue handling with if the policy file was not correct or change in the look 
> and feel of some specific plugins. From coding point of view, we can do this 
> by adding an option of reload variable which will default be set to false. 
> Upon making it true, it will trigger a function which will create a separate 
> instance of policy and will call loadfile on it. If the call is a success, we 
> will remove all old policies and reload the system with new ones. And if the 
> call gives some error message then do nothing. After both the cases, the 
> function will change the reload variable to false. This way we wont need any 
> separate threads also.
> Waiting for your review comments to start working on this.
> On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 2:55 PM, Anshu Kumar <> wrote:
> Hey Daniel,
> After reading your views, I too think now that auto reloading is not the 
> ideal solution to this scenario. In this solution I have used the idea of 
> thread for reloading the policy files. You put a point that what if admin is 
> using a ext editor which auto saves the changes after some fixed time. In 
> that case incorrect policies may be read.
> For this issue, instead of using a thread, we can come up with a solution in 
> which the reloading won't be dynamic. So it would be like, if you are an 
> admin and you want to change the policy file, do it. After all changes are 
> done, just change the value of regex_policy_reload to true and policies will 
> then be reloaded. After policies are reloaded, the value of 
> regex_policy_reload will again be set to false from code itself. In this way, 
> it can be ensured that only the correct policies are loaded there. It is true 
> that here too anyone can change the status of regex_policy_reload to true, so 
> either don't let him access the policy file or we will be needing an 
> authorization system for changing global variables too. 
> Brainstorming further for the most optimal solution. Comment and suggestions 
> are welcome.
> About the name concern, I use Ansh as my nick. Both are correct. You can call 
> me anything you like. However changing my sign to 'Anshu', so that it don't 
> cause any further confusion to anyone. :)
> On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Henrik Ingo <> wrote:
> Daniel
> FWIW, I think you might be correct. I originally thought that auto-reloading 
> would be an easy way to implement a way to re-read the policy file. For 
> instance, it could be implemented crudely without any new configuration 
> options and no new threads needing to launch. However, as we've gone deeper 
> into the subject it became clear that a good implementation will need those 
> things, hence the "easy" attribute is no longer there. I support going back 
> to explore your original idea.
> henrik
> On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 8:12 AM, Daniel Nichter <> wrote:
> Anshu, Henrik, Clint,
> First: Anshu: I like to use people's names correctly, so I noticed you sign 
> your emails "Ansh" but we've been writing "Anshu".  Is one or the other, or 
> both, correct?
> Now on to business.  First, thanks for the code.  This is a good start and 
> I'm happy to see that you've been able to jump into the code with apparent 
> ease.
> Second, I disagree that the auto-reloading approach is the ideal solution.  I 
> think we all need to debate the merits of this approach further.  So let's do 
> that...
> In my humble opinion, this approach has the following drawbacks:
> 1) It's "gold plating" because in the real world the policy file 
> won't/shouldn't change so frequently as to make autp-reloading a valuable 
> feature.  It's not too much to ask the user to execute one simple command, 
> and chances are they will expect to do this.  Thinking of Drizzle and MySQL, 
> no auto-(re)loading features come immediately to my mind, so we won't be 
> depriving the user of functionality they're used to.  Of course, I'm all for 
> new types of functionality when it's clear that the functionality will be a 
> "big win" for users, but given the nature of this issue, I don't think 
> auto-reloading is a big win and certainly not worth the extra engineering 
> effort.
> 2) It's a bit of magic and magic usually leads to problems down the road.  
> Sure, it's just one little thread that sleeps, checks, and maybe does 
> something, but one immediate "problem" comes to mind: testing.  Anything 
> dependent on time or time-based is inherently more difficult to test.  It's 
> possible, of course, but (related to #1) is it worth the effort?  Another 
> problem comes to mind: what if the admin is editing the policy file and his 
> editor auto-saves every N minutes, and auto-reload is on?  Drizzle may read 
> the policy file before the admin intends.  Magic can be very difficult to 
> wield safely.
> 3) It doesn't address the original security concern.  Henrik raised the 
> problem that anyone could execute the command to reload the policy file, but 
> anyone could enable the auto-reload, too.  The real solution lies in the 
> authorization modules.  Right now Drizzle has only very basic authorization: 
> schema and table access (via this plugin nonetheless).  What Drizzle needs is 
> authorization for setting/changing global variables.  I think we can make 
> still make this dynamic and leave the authorization solution for another 
> time/person/project.
> 4) It introduces a concept that will either become a norm or become an 
> exception.  Given the aforementioned points, I wouldn't like to see 
> auto-reloading before a norm, and we certainly don't want more exceptions 
> because one of our high-level goals is to make the "look and feel" of all 
> plugins consistent.  So if we do this here, then why not 
> too?  But then we're neck deep in gold plating and 
> magic.
> 5) It seems contrary to "the Drizzle way".  Brian, Stewart, and the original 
> core developers have more of a sense of what the Drizzle way is, but I'm 
> pretty certain is centers on removing the extraneous and the gotchas.  
> Drizzle prides itself it what it doesn't have: no views, no triggers, no 
> timezones, etc.  I think auto-reloading is extraneous (gold plating) and 
> prone to becoming a gotcha.  To modify my previous example: what if the 
> senior admin enables auto-reloading but forgets to tell the junior admin who 
> changes the policy file on Friday and plans to review the changes with the 
> senior admin on Monday only for both of them to get a call during the weekend 
> by the CTO because Sally in HR can't access the employees database and she's 
> trying to do payroll so now everyone's paychecks will be late?  Gotcha.
> So, in conclusion: your code is a good start, but I think we need another 
> solution.  Other opinions?
> -Daniel
> Le 3 avr. 2012 à 18:03, Anshu Kumar a écrit :
>> Hi Daniel,
>> For making all the plugins dynamic, as the earlier discussion for auth_file 
>> could not come to a conclusion, I started off with making the regex_policy 
>> plugin dynamic. Here is the complete process which am proposing for this 
>> plugin
>> 1. There would be a autoreload variable, default set to false. This variable 
>> will determine if policy file needs to be reloaded.
>> 2. Upon setting this variable to true (SET GLOBAL 
>> regex_policy_autoreload=ON), a new thread will be created which will handle 
>> the reload issues of policy file.
>> 3. In the thread created, on every one minute, using the stat command to 
>> find the last modified time and taking the difference from current time, it 
>> will be checked that if the file was modified in last one minute. And if it 
>> was, reload the file. If it wasn't modified, continue to the next poll.
>> 4. This thing will go on till you again set the variable value to false (SET 
>> GLOBAL regex_policy_autoreload=OFF)
>> Scenario would be, if you want to change the policy file and want those 
>> changes to be reflected, just change the variable to true, do your 
>> modifications, and the changes will be reflected the next minute in the 
>> system.
>> I have implemented this whole thing. Here is the link of the branch. It 
>> would be great if you can go through it and give your comments.
>> P.S. Thanks to Henrik for being the continuous help. :)
>> Comments and suggestions are welcome.
>> On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 11:01 PM, Henrik Ingo <> 
>> wrote:
>> Anshu: To create a background thread, you need to use class
>> drizzled::plugin::Daemon
>> Look at plugin/json_server/ (class JsonServer at the
>> end) for an example.
>> henrik
>> On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 4:16 PM, Henrik Ingo <> 
>> wrote:
>> > Anshu
>> >
>> > You are right. Creating a thread is more correct. I was just trying to
>> > avoid it since you originally asked for "low-hanging-fruit" bug.
>> >
>> > Functionally, ignoring the performance hit, you could do this also
>> > from the restrict* methods and then you don't need to create your own
>> > thread.
>> >
>> > henrik
>> >
>> > On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Anshu Kumar <> wrote:
>> >> Hey Henrik,
>> >> What I was thinking is we can have a system like this. When autoreload
>> >> variable is set to true, we can create a thread which will check either by
>> >> inotify or stat() that the corresponding regex policy file is changed or
>> >> not. And it of does then only reload the file. This is just like creating 
>> >> a
>> >> handler for change in policy file. The performance will be better than
>> >> polling for a min and reloading the policy file.
>> >> The implementation is actually the same in this, and the way you suggested
>> >> by Policy::restrict methods. So did you want to say that when checking for
>> >> regex policy rights (if access is allowed or denied), we can check if file
>> >> needs to be refreshed?
>> >>
>> >> On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 6:02 PM, Henrik Ingo <>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Anshu
>> >>>
>> >>> Actually, now that I re-read this, I don't know if it was a smart idea
>> >>> and maybe there needs to be a thread that does the polling, but my
>> >>> original idea was that you could reload the file during an
>> >>> authorization request. So basically when any of the
>> >>> Polixy::restrict... methods are called, you would first check if the
>> >>> file needs to be refreshed and then re-read it (or not). This way you
>> >>> don't need to have a loop or do any polling or such.
>> >>>
>> >>> This approach is not good because it would introduce a performance hit
>> >>> into random requests every N seconds. But you could still do it this
>> >>> way as a proof of concept, then we could work on making it a
>> >>> background thread later.
>> >>>
>> >>> henrik
>> >>>
>> >>> On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 2:51 PM, Anshu Kumar <>
>> >>> wrote:
>> >>> > Hey Guys,
>> >>> > I have tried to implement this dynamic thing to regex_policy plugin.
>> >>> > In reference to my talk with Henrik yesterday, we discussed that there
>> >>> > could
>> >>> > be a autoreload variable, and when made true it will continuously poll
>> >>> > for
>> >>> > changes in default regex policy file. And it it is made false, it will
>> >>> > stop
>> >>> > polling, checking for modifications. Sticking to the discussion, the
>> >>> > code I
>> >>> > wrote is
>> >>> >
>> >>> > void autoReload_Regex_Policy(Session *, sql_var_t)
>> >>> > {
>> >>> >         if(policy->sysvar_autoreload)
>> >>> >         {
>> >>> >                 while(1)
>> >>> >                 {
>> >>> >                         if (not policy->loadFile())
>> >>> >                           {
>> >>> >                             errmsg_printf(error::ERROR, _("Could not
>> >>> > load
>> >>> > regex policy file: %s\n"),
>> >>> >                                           (policy ?
>> >>> > policy->getError().str().c_str() : _("Unknown")));
>> >>> >                             return;
>> >>> >                           }
>> >>> >                         sleep(60);
>> >>> >                         if(!policy->sysvar_autoreload)
>> >>> >                                 break;
>> >>> >                 }
>> >>> >         }
>> >>> >         else
>> >>> >         {
>> >>> >         }
>> >>> > }
>> >>> > This function handles the case when you change the value of autoreload
>> >>> > from
>> >>> > drizzle client. The problem is as the function is using sleep
>> >>> > recursively,
>> >>> > when trying to change autoreload value by "SET GLOBAL", the client
>> >>> > hangs.
>> >>> > This is obviously due to function recursive structure. Initially, I
>> >>> > thought
>> >>> > that it would change the variable and then polls.
>> >>> >
>> >>> > Now, coming to the discussion earlier in this mail, even if I create a
>> >>> > pthread from this function which will check for modification using
>> >>> > stat() or
>> >>> > inotify(), this function won't exit untill its thread stop working. And
>> >>> > as
>> >>> > thread will continuously polls for changes, it wont exit.
>> >>> >
>> >>> > Is there any solution for this scenario, except adding the refresh
>> >>> > command
>> >>> > for refreshing the policy file?
>> >>> >
>> >>> >
>> >>> > On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 10:34 PM, Clint Byrum <> wrote:
>> >>> >>
>> >>> >> Excerpts from Henrik Ingo's message of Thu Mar 29 21:16:26 -0700 2012:
>> >>> >> > Daniel:
>> >>> >> >
>> >>> >> > Have you thought about authorization for this? I mean we wouldn't
>> >>> >> > want
>> >>> >> > any old logged in user to be able to
>> >>> >> >
>> >>> >> > SET GLOBAL auth_file.users=/home/hingo/igivemyselfrootpowers.users
>> >>> >> >
>> >>> >> > (Making the plugin reload the existing file will be helpful. But it
>> >>> >> > might not be a good idea to allow to change that value.)
>> >>> >> >
>> >>> >>
>> >>> >> Agreed. I'd like to see plugins like auth_file and regex_policy given
>> >>> >> a generic way to "watch" their files. There are a number of ways to do
>> >>> >> this, but I don't think each plugin should implement its own method.
>> >>> >>
>> >>> >> Thoughts I've had on this:
>> >>> >>
>> >>> >> * A thread which uses either inotify  or falls back to polling
>> >>> >> with stat(), and whenever there is a change, calls any registered code
>> >>> >> to update that file's effect.
>> >>> >>
>> >>> >> * An admin command like  REFRESH '/etc/drizzle/regex.policy' which 
>> >>> >> does
>> >>> >> the same thing as the thread without the inotify/polling.
>> >>> >>
>> >>> >> * Cache the stat() call on the file and periodically expire the cache
>> >>> >> and refresh the contents if stat() indicates that it has changed.
> -- 
> +358-40-8211286 skype: henrik.ingo irc: hingo
> My LinkedIn profile:
> -- 
> Regards,
> Anshu
> -- 
> Regards,
> Anshu

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