>       Just downloaded drools 2.0 beta 1, but having trouble
> understanding how to get started.  I can tell by the mailing archives
> that there are people out there evaluating rules and using the tool, so
> I must be missing something.  Is there a 'Cooks tour' or some sort of
> Hello World document available to help newbies?

To be honest, even I (the author) am not certain anyone out there
is really using drools, yet.  No one has raised their hand and 
spoken up too much.  Get lots of email from folks like you trying
to evaluate it, though.

No real cohesive Cookbook for drools yet, but, there are the examples
that are included, and which are runnable from the build.pl script.
Check the build.xml for the exact target name, but I think 'examples'
should run them all.  I've attempted to replicate the examples 
provided by some commercial rules engines, to provide a comparison
of how to do it.

Most of the docs thus far are either JavaDocs, or very technical
documentation about the algorithm and implementation.  Still working
on the user's guide aspect of the documentation.

fwiw, I cease being employed in the middle of next week, and will
start using my Copious Amounts Of Free Time to actually resume work
on drools and my other projects.


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